Monday, December 28, 2009

Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare Information

I have been wondering what exactly is medicaid and why do we need government run health care to insure all the uninsured when we already have it with medicaid. I thought maybe I didn't understand what medicaid really is. I am going to paste some links here so you can see for yourself what medicaid really is. Once you realize what medicaid is you really wonder what this is all about. We already have a bankrupt government health care system in the form of both medicare and medicaid. Medicare for old people and Medicaid for the poor people. Thus the issue really becomes socializing the remaining amount of our health care in pursuit of FDR's second bill of rights.

Here is a link from the National Conference of State Legislatures giving an explanation of Medicaid

Short commercial explanation of Medicare

Now lets look at the unfunded liabilities of social security and medicare.

Of course we now understand this news clip from December 24, 2009.
President Obama just delivered a short speech praising Senate passage of the health care bill, calling the health care bill one of the most important piece of social legislation since Social Security in the 1930's and Medicare in the 1960's.

We now understand what important legislation means to a liberal. Legislation that has the legitimate opportunity to bankrupt an entire nation.

So of course we can understand why the government should take over all health care decisions on costs and benefits provided. They have done such a good job so far of spending money they don't have, why not expand it to the entire population, and just accelerate the bankrupting of this country. Lets look at how the Congressional Budget Office has done in the past of estimating the future since the democrats are basing their takeover of health care on CBO estimates. Is the US Government bankrupt?

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