Tuesday, August 28, 2012

NRA: Borderless

I took a border tour to ABP(  http://www.americanborderpatrol.com/  )in June and can tell you first hand there is no real commitment to securing our border.  It is all political by those who want a world government and open borders.   What our own government is doing is an absolute joke and everyone down there knows it.  I was skeptical of their claims at first until I took an unguided walk alone along the border taking pictures and a Border Patrol Agent who was parked looking through binoculars told me the same thing.  At that point I hurried back to the group as it scared me to be taking pictures and have someone from American Law enforcement tell me that less than 100 yards away on the other side of an open border I was being watched.  He said they knew every picture I had taken and every step I had made. When I asked him who was "they" he said they are drug cartel and human smugglers.  At that point I more fully believed the ABP presentation.  Another good movie to watch about this is called "They Come to America".   (http://www.theycometoamerica.com/ )

NRA: Borderless

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Simple and to the point analysis of US Budget

And now just imagine if our interest rates increased to reflect the inflationary policies of the Fed.   For simplicity sake just assume the debt starts costing 10% interest or 1.6 trillion on the current debt balance and you have where we should be if the fed were not financing the deficit right now.  The total income tax collections would barely cover the interest on the debt.