Sunday, June 16, 2013

Arizona..Chicago..Washington DC whats the difference

Until now I had hope that while the federal government is mired in scandals and corruption we may have a chance to save a few states and had a hope that Arizona would be one of them along with Texas.  However after the events of the past week by our Governor I now see that Arizona politics are played with the same disrespect for rule of law as the Federal government and in Arizona the politicians close to us also ignore the opposition and constitution and do as their lobbyist say knowing the real money and power comes from them (or as one of Obama's Czars said "We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun).  In any case these politicians at all levels know and understand that real power does not from the people who elect them.   Whether you agreed or disagreed with the medicaid expansion this type of backroom deal and suppressing any debate is not what can happen in a free republic and Arizona has now joined Washington in using Rules for Radicals as the play book.

This video along with this email from a representative should explain what happened enough to enrage anyone who cares about transparency and rule of law.