Thursday, January 21, 2010

Progressive Spin

Amazing the reaction to this election loss by the progressives. As Glenn Beck said on his Monday show, you will know who is in charge based upon the response to a loss. If they regroup and change their resolve and direction then it is just the democrats in charge which is not bad as they are not all that scary and radical. They still represent the people albeit the liberal ones. However, if they just get more committed and put self serving spin on it then we will know for sure the marxist, socialist progressives are in control. If they are more committed than ever to their own agenda rather than the peoples then the most radical of the progressives are running the White House and they don't care what the people say, they have their own agenda and they are smarter than the electorate. The biggest point is in the second and third video below:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

You can pretty much tell whether someone is a liberal democrat or a progressive democrat by their reaction to the loss. A liberal wants to step back and listen to the people and a progressive wants to tell you what they meant and spin it to support their unwavering agenda. I think this shows that we have the worst scenario of progressives controlling the Obama administration.

Pelosi: We will move forward

Obama: Blame Bush for loss
Obama blames Massachusetts Senate loss on middle-class economic pain
Don't miss this quote in this Washington Post article "Several described an atmosphere of resolve not unlike the mood during the toughest moments of the 2008 campaign".

Axelrod: Axelrod, Gibbs spin day after Mass. loss

SEIU: Change hasn't come quick enough

Bohner: Amercan people tired of democrats arrogance

Remember yesterday's post on the constitution, here Huffington sets me straight on what has happened to the balance of power as well as why the election loss was more about not moving quickly on wall street rather than health care. The last statement in this clip is shocking but then consider it was on Olberman and MSNBC.

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And there you have it, Obama is in charge of "all three branches of government", so we now know what has happened to the balance of power. We also know why we don't need to listen to the voters once they made the decision to put someone in the White House who is in charge of everything.

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