Wow, a CEO who has the guts to say on his earnings conference call that the Obama administration is going to ruin America and until the working people get that there are going to be very hard times for this country. Listen to this audio clip of Steve Wynn and how he doesn't sugar coat what Obama is doing to his industry. What is amazing is how none of the main stream media even mentioned this. I did a Google search and could find nothing. I then went to the transcript of his conference call on the seeking alpha web site and sure enough it is right there on page 7 and 8 of the transcript but has got no media attention.('Transcript of Conference Call" ) Because the media continues to white wash the news to limit any coverage of those who don't support Obama and his socialist agenda. Problem is, Wynn is only a part of one of the many industries the progressives are rapidly ruining for the free market capitalist. As far as that goes doctors are one of the major small business capitalist that Obama attacks even more than Las Vegas. And then of course anyone who makes more than $250,000 year is just a bad person and should be penalized and made to pay for any social program, stimulus or any other type of government expansion Obama thinks appropriate.
Audio of Wynn comments on Obama policies
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