Friday, February 19, 2010

Even in Your Childrens Education, Government Knows Best and Parents are Stupid

This was a very educational show regarding the teachers union impact on education and private or charter schools. They care nothing about education only about preservation of the unions.  Of course you will not be surprised to learn that Obama has entered this fray on behalf of the unions and stopped charter school vouchers in Washington DC in spite of the success of the program.  The unions said that people were preferring charter schools and the unions were going to start losing member teachers because parents were choosing charter schools.   Although the voucher was only half of what the government schools cost per student have been shown to be, parents were given $7500 vouchers but the cost per student in DC public schools is $15,000 per student.  The show looks at New York, Washington DC and Ghana all with similar results, government does not provide a better education than charter or private but they always cost more.   Stossel shows the bureaucrats arrogance in believing they know better than the parents what is good for your kids.   Seems that whether it is the unions or the government they all seem to know where their paycheck comes from and have allegiance to that rather than what is good for the children.   Whereas the parents are only interested in the kids.  No surprise to hear that those in government and unions say private free market principals don't apply to education. 

"Watch Stossel – February 18, 2010 – Education: Imprisoning Kids"

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