Last week on ABC's Sunday morning news show called This Week the guests on the round table were George Will, Ariana Huffington, Paul Krugman and the Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. Ariana took a couple shots at Ailes over Glen Beck during the show but she was pretty much out of her league in that battle. After the FOX CEO didn't go to the green room, where they continue the round table conversation, it gave Huffington and Paul Krugman the perfect chance to attack both FOX news and Glenn with no one to defend against their stupidity. George Will did a pretty good job but he is so far over their head they probably didn't even understand it and thus went on to talk to each other. That is when it gets really interesting at about the 4 minute mark. After bashing Glenn, Krugman disagrees with George Will's statement that the country will survive in spite of the commentary on cable news. He says the threat to survival comes from all the misinformation the public is being given. Sounds like he agrees with Glenn the only thing they would have to debate is the source. But excuse me, even if Fox news is number one on cable news they are a very small portion of what the public sees and he then says the country isn't going to survive because of the misinformation the public is being given after bashing fox news like Fox is the only place people have to get their news. Anyway, he seems to agree with Glenn that the country may not survive without significant change and fast. Then Ariana says the problem with the country is the lack of character among our elected officials starting with our president. Wow, sounds like Glenn Beck. Then Krugman bumbles around and finally says everyone knew what Reagan stood for and people don't know what Obama stands for. Sounds like if they watched more Glenn Beck rather than bashing Glenn Beck they may start to figure out what Obama stands for and actually agree with Glenn. Wonder if they forgot the cameras were still rolling during this conversation.
Then Ariana proceeds to continue her attacks on Glenn using CNN as her next platform in which she defends Keith Olbermann's attacks on Scott Brown as being factual while saying Beck has no facts. She obviously doesn't watch either one. Olbermann's so called facts are at best inflated exaggerations taken out of context and more often lies with an obvious agenda. When Glenn Beck makes statements that seem outrageous he shows video and audio so the viewer can decide for themselves, or research further to determine for themselves, if the facts support the statements. Glenn actually encourages his viewers to research and confirm what he says. Then Ariana said Olbermann apologized however the initial apology was when he apologized for missing the word sexist in the attack. Only after Jon Stewart, a fellow MSNBC liberal comedian, called him out as being over the top in a comedy skit did he actually make a weak attempt at a real apology. .
"Hewitt vs. Huffington: Does Glenn Beck Go Too Far?"
Olbermann Article with Transcripts
Original Olbermann Attacks with MSNBC version of facts
Original Apology for Missing the Word Sexist with Continued Attack
Olbermann Finally Appoligizes after Jon Stewart Calls Him on Comments
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