Well, not much to say here other than the Obama administrations Cheif Diversity Czar, Mark Lloyd, at the FCC who has the ear of the president and impacts our governments treatment of free speech in the media has a new bar to clear today. Lloyd has stated what an admirer he is of Hugo Chavez and his handling of the media and controlling free speech. Lloyd has stated the "fairness doctorine" didn't go far enough. Here is a link to an article that does a good job of summing up some of the radical views this man has. The only thing missing from what I know of the person is the video of is admiration of Chavez. FCC's Diversity Czar: 'White People' Need to be Forced to 'Step Down' 'So Someone Else Can Have Power This is the link to the same web site that sums up his admiration of Chavez and his handling of the media in his country. FCC 'Diversity' Czar on Chavez's Venezuela: 'Incredible...Democratic Revolution'
Coincidentally, a Post editorial today on the resounding successes of Hugo Chavez can be read here
How Hugo Chavez's revolution crumbled
We know that if given the opportunity that the Obama administration would shut down Fox News in a heart beat and they pick a fight with them every chance they get while they consider MSNBC to be news. Have you watched any of the MSNBC coverage in the past week. They have gone off their rockers in making excuses and attacking the Massachusetts election. And as for the coverage of that election I found it very telling when I was channel surfing between CNN, MSNBC and FOX during the concession and acceptance speeches that CNN and MSNBC decided that Scott Brown was talking too much and cut off his speech and and went to commentary attacking him and the election rather than post his speech. O'reily did a segment on this very topic that pretty much sums it up. O'reilly on Media Coverage of Brown and Coakley
Now we just have to see if Mark Lloyd can be successful in shutting up the Obama administrations "public enemy number one" and continue following the blueprint of Venezuela's treatment of the media in the USA.
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