Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Glenn Beck Video links

Glenn Beck is spending this week summarizing the evidence and arguments he made over the past year about the White House agenda to fundamentally transform America. Obama video We need to watch this weeks shows as a basis for how to move forward in an attempt to correct the direction this country is heading. I missed yesterdays show and thus have had to piece together some youtube videos to watch the show. Here are those links. He has made a very convincing case the past year that we are being directed by a very radical white house who rather than offer facts disputing Beck have chosen to attack Fox News and Glenn Beck personally. When the heat gets too hot they just get rid of the people which is not Becks goal. He wants explanations of how those people with such radical views are advising the president not to just hide them away in a George Soros organization. Then they move on with more of their radical agenda. Beck is one of a very few who exposes the facts using their own quotes and videos and thus isn't just making stuff up. His opinions are developed from those facts.

I just found a website that has put the entire show on their site. Follow this link and then play the embedded link. You will notice that there are arrows on both sides of the embedded picture when you run your mouse over it. You can jump ahead and back with those arrows. I will put a daily link to each days show here now. The great thing about this is you don't have commercials so the show is probably only about 40 minutes.

January 4th Show

January 5th Show

January 6th Show

January 7th Show

January 8th Show

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