Now obviously after a glorious introduction, he had to start by laying the stage for attacking Bush as that has been a cornerstone of every policy and speech he has made in the past year. Not even worth commenting on that any further as it such a worn out excuse for executing his radical agenda.
Then he had to go on and start patting his back as the reason the country is not in a depression, in my world it is whether he thinks so or not. Taking credit for 2 million jobs that were created or saved, a statistic that makes for good rhetoric due to the fact that is can not be reliably or accurately measured and thus can not be trusted. How do you know what may have happened if something else had not happened? And anyway, I think most of the government jobs need to be lost and government needs to downsize. As Reagan said government is not the solution, government is the problem. Especially when you consider the average pay for a federal employee is about 71,000 compared to about 40,000 for the people who are paying their wages. USA Today article, average pay $30,000 over private sector And those government employees have pensions and insurance too. Oh and by the way, remember SEIU, they are who Obama goes to before he does anything, well guess who represents many of the government employees. But surely Obama is not affected by lobbyist. (David Sterns, head of SEIU is the most frequent non government visitor to the White House) He assured us he has cleaned all that up. Did you see that we now have more government employees represented by unions than private market employees? Guess they now want to work the same miracles on the government they did on the auto industry. It did work out pretty well since they now own GM NY Times, Most union members are now government employees And of course, the NY Times would have to work in a plug for card check legislation in this article, as they think the implied message is we need to make it easier for unions to organize in the face of their declining membership. To say nothing of the the fact they are the largest democrat contributors. And since he has so few examples of success in his special interest stimulus bill, he has to use as examples of success ones that have already been exposed as corrupt. Remember this great window manufacturer exposed on John Stossell. John Stossel on Crony Capitalism But Obama continues to sing the praises of this company in spite of the cover being blown. But that was another posting, I need to move on.
After blaming the trillion dollar deficit on Bush, although the TARP program has been largely repaid, he then promotes taking money from that program and using it for banking stimulus to promote lending. Everyone seems to call TARP a 700 billion dollar Bush program but from what I can see, and there are lots of pencils and mirrors in their accounting, they are now saying that it will cost 141 billion in total. That is pretty small to save the entire banking system from collapse and thus may have been a good investment. However, TARP has become Obama's piggy bank, every time he sees something left or paid back, he wants to use it on another bail out while not taking responsibility for the deficit it creates. That was where he got the money to bail out the auto industry and subsequently screw the bond holders and give it as a gift to his union supporters. He blames the auto industry party on Bush but as I recall, Bush didn't want to do it but said he would conceded to Obamas request for doing so but only enough money to get them past the inauguration and then Obama could do what he wanted. What was the stimulus program and why can't he use some of the wasted special interest stimulus money passed with no debate or even being read by those who voted on it. Since no one knew what they were passing they wouldn't know if it was changed and spent someplace else.
Then he moves on to praise small business, although in this past year he has completely excluded them from any of his White House closed door meetings. Choosing rather big business, wall street, government and unions to influence his agenda the most. Probably because they write the big checks to his campaign, oh but that couldn't be true as that may be giving lobbyist a seat at the table. When in reality they own the table and all the chairs around it in this White House. Which is, I am sure, not that unusual in the White House. So after trumping up small business, which he knows nothing about, he wants to tout high speed rail. Which has no free market demand other than for the contracts to build it and suck off the government subsidy wagon to both build and operate it.
And then after telling us how government can direct business through incentives to get into the businesses he supports he says we are going to double our exports in the next 5 years. What is it we export that is in such demand we are going to double it and create American jobs in so doing? Unless the government is going to subsidize it in someway, there is nothing I can think of other than food that we are very efficient and cost effective at producing. How can we compete in a world market with all our government regulation and high priced union manufacturing labor? There is a reason we manufacture very little in this country. So he says we are going to double our exports while he supports unionizing everyone because of course that is where he gets his 750 million to run a presidential campaign. And if he is going to impose tariffs on imports because he needs to support the domestic unions, I am "sure" that other countries will not reciprocate with restrictions and tariffs on the "phantom" American imports to their country. Surely China doesn't mind our tariffs on their tires and will welcome with open arms anything we want to sell them at prices that support our domestic wage structure by way of US government subsidies. Then of course they will also turn around with what money they have left after buying all of our subsidized exports and spend it on US Treasury debt to support our deficit spending. Which deficit was created though government subsidizing the cheap exports. If this sounds circular, I think it is. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?
And then of course we have to invest in education. To expand math and science, as long as it is the flawed science that supports man made global warming, or rather we now call it man made climate change due to the unusually cold winter. That way he can use science to institute more taxes (cap and trade) to combat the "phantom" man made global warming, woops, I mean climate change. One thing we don't want to teach is "American History" and "World History" as that may cause our young people to remember the mistakes made earlier in the 20th century in trusting silver tongued devils who took them down the path of destruction. And if we are going to teach history lets make sure it passes the progressive politicians test for "fairness" IE political correctness.
Then of course he had to mention health care and how he is trying to save the entire country, while in fact his bloated plan only changed who paid the bills and only covered about 10 million of the 30 million or so uninsured depending upon which report you read. And the greatest spin of the last two weeks, since the Massachusetts election, the reason government health care is failing with the public is because he has not explained it well enough. "Still, this is a complex issue, and the longer it was debated, the more skeptical people became. I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people." UNBELIEVABLE ARROGANCE Yep, your right, we are just a bunch of idiots out here who can't think for ourselves and some of us even watch and listen to television and radio stations you don't approve of as actual news because it doesn't agree with your view Mr. Obama. I am beginning to feel like my son is right when he tells me that Obama is not his president even though I try to take the patriotic stance and tell him Obama represents our country and was elected by a majority of the voters. And then Obama says "if anyone has a better idea let me know". I think people have tried to let him know but they couldn't be heard over the lawyers political contributions. And I distinctly remember him saying he didn't create the mess and unless you are going to fall in line and help mop up this mess (accomplish his agenda) he didn't want to hear from you. In other words do what I say or sit down and shut up. That is what he said to the GOP on health care, energy and the economy. However, he sure decided he liked anyone who had Goldman Sacs on their resume for help in banking and wall street reform. Remember, Goldman Sacs was his second largest contributor at $994,795 behind University of California at $1,591,395. largest contributors
Then back to some Bush Bashing.
He acts like he has really accomplished something when he proposed to freeze spending on about 17% of the entire 3.5 trillion dollar federal budget at a level he increased by 10% last year. Net savings of about 15 billion annually when we have a projected deficit of 1.3 trillion. About a 1% reduction of just the deficit to say nothing of the entire budget. But since he proposes the freeze for the next 3 years what it does is prevent the reductions to the budgets that need to happen in all aspects of government by limiting them to a 3 year freeze. Another ploy to back his enemy (anyone who doesn't agree with him) into a corner with half the facts and all the rhetoric he has shouted from his widely viewed pulpit. About a minute later, he starts to back peddle on even this lame excuse for fiscal responsibility when he says because so many are hurting he doesn't even propose to do this till next year when the country will be so much better off.
Then he goes on to say that his latest commission has been turned down by congress so he will just create it with an executive order. "Yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans." Here is where the dictator starts to really come out. While there are three branches of government, if the other two don't follow his agenda he will find another way around them. Whether that be using the EPA and SEC to accomplish cap and trade or the FCC to accomplish the fairness doctrine.
EPA web site promotes cap and trade as Envirnomental Policy Tool
Energy Czar Raises Possibility Of EPA Implementing Cap-And-Trade
"SEC to require disclosure of climate change risks"
Mark Lloyd, FCC Diversit Czar, View on free markets. (Scary)
Then he commits to go through the budget line by line to eliminate costs he doesn't support, probably just like he committed to do the same thing with earmarks which never happened. In the following sentence he promises to extend tax cuts for the middle class (who ever that is) followed by a sentence of attack on big oil and people making over $250,000. "We will continue to go through the budget line by line to eliminate programs that we can't afford and don't work. We've already identified $20 billion in savings for next year. To help working families, we will extend our middle-class tax cuts. But at a time of record deficits, we will not continue tax cuts for oil companies, investment fund managers and those making over $250,000 a year. We just can't afford it." That kind of sums up his whole campaign and presidency, tell a lie, offer a payoff and then attack or blame someone.
Then in one short paragraph, he attacks anyone who doesn't support him as part of the problem, pitches for more socialist programs, attacks anyone who is making a good living and finishes by again blaming Bush. "From some on the right, I expect we'll hear a different argument -- that if we just make fewer investments in our people, extend tax cuts for wealthier Americans, eliminate more regulations and maintain the status quo on health care, our deficits will go away. The problem is, that's what we did for eight years. That's what helped lead us into this crisis. It's what helped lead to these deficits. And we cannot do it again."
In the most shocking display of arrogance I think I have ever seen by anyone, President or not, he attacks the Supreme Court for opening the "floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections." I am sure it wouldn't surprise you to know that the statement was someplace between a politically motivated exaggeration and an out right lie. See my earlier blog posting on who is benefiting from the current special interest money disclosed at under heavy hitters. He then goes off on cleaning up Washington of lobbyist while ignoring the lobbyist and special interest that have an open door to the White House. Incidentally on the subject of transparency, that open door slams shut as soon as they have entered. But he claims to be the most transparent administration ever, never mind the fact that all the health care negotiations and democratic vote buying went on behind closed doors at the White House. Or that is not even updated anymore because the data is so inaccurate they don't want to hear about it after spending 18 million to create the web site. So of course proposing another web site to post ear mark requests will be the end all solution to the never ending earmarks that he has continued to sign into legislation. Because as he said at the time of signing that omnibus spending bill, the amount of 8 billion was just "insignificant". To a corrupt politician spending billions of the tax payers money it probably is insignificant compared to what they do every day.
He proceeds to chide republicans for not supporting his agenda and tells them that to disagree with him is campaigning rather than governance. He attacks the false headlines, however in my mind the most false headlines come from the majority of the media who regurgitate his lies as facts and never even challenge a thing. But then I can see their point, who wants to risk being in the position of Fox News, who is now by a large margin the most trusted news source in a poll by the liberal Public Policy Polling. Fox most trusted by wide margin Since the survey was by a liberal polling entity they even took a partisan jab at the results by saying that “A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said PPP President Dean Debnam in his analysis of the poll. “But the media landscape has really changed, and now they’re turning more toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.” If that is true then by a wide margin the country is more center right than the media who feeds them their information.
Of course he had to defend his stance on giving terrorist constitutional protections and his moral high ground taken in handling the "overseas contingency operation" addressing "man made disasters", formerly known as the global war on terror by all of us back woods hicks who have never been to Harvard. He even has the audacity to say of our military they"must know that they have our respect, our gratitude and our full support. And just as they must have the resources they need in war". Isn't this the same person who took 3 or 4 months to respond to an additional troop request from the General he put in charge of the war he deemed necessary? He then goes on to promote his handling of international affairs and while I don't really know enough about them to comment, I can say I don't trust a single word he speaks and thus have concerns he will weaken this country in order to pacify others.
Next he goes on to promote his commitment to liberal special interests in Pelosi's district through the repeal of the don't ask don't tell policy in the military. As in many cases, like the NY terror trials, he has not thought this one through and is making decisions based upon political support rather than rational analysis. But then he is the same person who reprimanded everyone else in the country for just that action minutes before. He is also very proud of making the severity of a crime dependent upon the criminal's views toward the victim. (Hate Crimes Bill) If the criminal hates gays then it is a worse crime if he kills a gay person than if he just killed straight white guy. This one really sets me off, we have laws against crime and they should be applied equally regardless of the criminal's views. The victim is dead either way and the criminal should suffer the same consequences either way. But then I am a straight white guy who doesn't get special protections or treatment and it is perfectly legal to discriminate against me for the benefit of someone else based upon the color of their skin or sexual preference.
Well, I think I have gone on too long on this very upsetting display of arrogance. There are some things in the speech that are well put but for the most part it is more display of a tone deaf president who is such a progressive ideologue he has no hope of changing the partisan nature of Washington. Until we have people in charge who truly do what he falsely claims to do, which is display allegiance in governance to the people and not the party affiliation and party line we have no hope of change. To do that they must be elected by independents, and not the party, as such we have an excellent example in Massachusetts of where the country needs to go. Independents are 51% of that state with 38% Democrat and 11% Republican. Thus we can see that when Independents are the majority then the race becomes about the candidate and not the party in power.
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