Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Progressives Continue to Re-Write History

We all know that progressives have been re-writing our American History for the past 100 years to accomplish their objectives and shine a positive light on those who have done the most damage to our country like Woodrow Wilson or FDR.   We also knew that with the Obama's in the White house that effort would likely be ratcheted up.   When Michelle Obama said during the campaign "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation." it was just another indication of where they would take their agenda to "fundamentally transform America".  Well now we actually have a professor exposing how they are using the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities to accomplish that agenda.


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