As suspected, ACORN is re-branding on one front in an attempt to regain access to the unlimited sources of federal cash that have allowed them to be a mouth piece for the democrats. From a staff report from the US House of Representatives:
"ACORN affiliates in various states are also changing their names in what has
been described as, “a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent
organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams.”In California,
ACORN is now the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (“ACCE”).
In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, ACORN is New England United for
Justice. In New York, ACORN is New York Communities for Change. In Arkansas,
ACORN has become Arkansas Community Organizations (“ACO”). In Louisiana, ACORN is “A Community Voice”. In Missouri, ACORN is Missourians Organizing for
Reform and Empowerment (“MORE”). In Washington state, ACORN is Organization
United for Reform (“OUR”) Washington. In Minnesota, ACORN is Minnesota
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change. In Pennsylvania, ACORN has become the
Pennsylvania Communities Organizing for Change (“PCOC”) and Pennsylvania
Neighborhoods for Social Justice, Inc. In Texas, ACORN is now the Texas Organizing
Project. ACORN Housing Corporation (“AHC”) has renamed itself Affordable Housing
Centers of America, Inc. According to Marcel Reid, a former ACORN Board member
and director of the ACORN 8, the reform group composed of former ACORN members,
ACORN has also formed new offices in North Carolina."
Full Report from US House of Representatives Staff report on Acorn Reinventing itself
In addition, Bertha Lewis, ACORN CEO seems to have come out of the socialist closet as are many of the democrat radicals in our government. While I prefer to post this type of information from a MSM source it is often impossible since they refuse to report the facts. Here is information on her talk to the socialist democrats who admit on their web page they have hijacked the democrat party.
Link to Socialist Democrats web site to learn who they are
Video clips from Bertha Lewis speach to Socialist Democrats
Link with transcripts for easy reading
And of course, no democrat can complete a speech today without an attack on the Tea Party movement as that has obviously been strongly communicated from the DNC. The instructions must be to infiltrate and attack the Tea Party. Here Berth Lewis calls the Tea Party Movement a "bowel movement". (this was at the 1:20 point of the video above) This was right after she warned them of the dangers of our times and the mask coming off. That this was going to be worse than internment camps, Jim Crow laws or anything else. She tells them to organize and fight it with all they have. I am sure glad we don't have any fear and hate mongers on the left. At least on the right they are the fringes and told they are not welcome and to get out of the Tea Party. On the left they are in power with leadership titles and positions. The same people who hated this country in the 60's are now in power and fulfilling their dreams of tearing down this republic. They see this as their time to finally turn this country into a socialist nation which isn't far from them becoming Marxist. FYI, I have been to Tea Parties and that could not be further from the truth. They are people who believe in running this country according to the constitution and want to pass on to the next generation the same country of opportunity that entered the 20 century. That was before we had a century of progressive policy of federal power grabs in the name of social justice.
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