Since I first heard the GM ad touting that they were repaying the Government loan 5 years early I have smelled a rat. GM has been losing money consistently, have not issued any new equity or debt nor have they sold any major assets that I know of. Those would be the only ways they could raise cash for retirement of existing debt. Even if they have sold any assets the best that could do would be to fund the losses they continue to incur. The odds of them successfully issuing public debt to payoff the government would be slim to none assuming wall-street has any conscience about underwriting debt to a company who through government strong arming in a packaged bankruptcy was able to overrule 200 years of contract law. Remember they were able to screw the bond holders on behalf of the unions who were given a large share of the company using a government equity infusion. Thus on the surface the only place they could be getting the money to repay the loan was from the equity infusion by the US Government. Well surprise, surprise, surprise!. We knew that if any media outlet actually had the guts to report the truth it would have to be FOX as the MSM is a mouthpiece for the propaganda of the White House. Here is a FOX news clip where it is finally being said.
And if you still think the MSM media is not biased then look at the first MSM posting I could find on Google. Here is the ABC/White House news spin on the same event. See if you think they are even talking about the same event.
Just found, a week later, this video on Breitbart. This is a very short and good explanation of what really happened.
Reason TV explanation
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Acorn Reinventing Itself, Again MSM Silent on the Facts
As suspected, ACORN is re-branding on one front in an attempt to regain access to the unlimited sources of federal cash that have allowed them to be a mouth piece for the democrats. From a staff report from the US House of Representatives:
"ACORN affiliates in various states are also changing their names in what has
been described as, “a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent
organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams.”In California,
ACORN is now the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (“ACCE”).
In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, ACORN is New England United for
Justice. In New York, ACORN is New York Communities for Change. In Arkansas,
ACORN has become Arkansas Community Organizations (“ACO”). In Louisiana, ACORN is “A Community Voice”. In Missouri, ACORN is Missourians Organizing for
Reform and Empowerment (“MORE”). In Washington state, ACORN is Organization
United for Reform (“OUR”) Washington. In Minnesota, ACORN is Minnesota
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change. In Pennsylvania, ACORN has become the
Pennsylvania Communities Organizing for Change (“PCOC”) and Pennsylvania
Neighborhoods for Social Justice, Inc. In Texas, ACORN is now the Texas Organizing
Project. ACORN Housing Corporation (“AHC”) has renamed itself Affordable Housing
Centers of America, Inc. According to Marcel Reid, a former ACORN Board member
and director of the ACORN 8, the reform group composed of former ACORN members,
ACORN has also formed new offices in North Carolina."
Full Report from US House of Representatives Staff report on Acorn Reinventing itself
In addition, Bertha Lewis, ACORN CEO seems to have come out of the socialist closet as are many of the democrat radicals in our government. While I prefer to post this type of information from a MSM source it is often impossible since they refuse to report the facts. Here is information on her talk to the socialist democrats who admit on their web page they have hijacked the democrat party.
Link to Socialist Democrats web site to learn who they are
Video clips from Bertha Lewis speach to Socialist Democrats
Link with transcripts for easy reading
And of course, no democrat can complete a speech today without an attack on the Tea Party movement as that has obviously been strongly communicated from the DNC. The instructions must be to infiltrate and attack the Tea Party. Here Berth Lewis calls the Tea Party Movement a "bowel movement". (this was at the 1:20 point of the video above) This was right after she warned them of the dangers of our times and the mask coming off. That this was going to be worse than internment camps, Jim Crow laws or anything else. She tells them to organize and fight it with all they have. I am sure glad we don't have any fear and hate mongers on the left. At least on the right they are the fringes and told they are not welcome and to get out of the Tea Party. On the left they are in power with leadership titles and positions. The same people who hated this country in the 60's are now in power and fulfilling their dreams of tearing down this republic. They see this as their time to finally turn this country into a socialist nation which isn't far from them becoming Marxist. FYI, I have been to Tea Parties and that could not be further from the truth. They are people who believe in running this country according to the constitution and want to pass on to the next generation the same country of opportunity that entered the 20 century. That was before we had a century of progressive policy of federal power grabs in the name of social justice.
"ACORN affiliates in various states are also changing their names in what has
been described as, “a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent
organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams.”In California,
ACORN is now the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (“ACCE”).
In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, ACORN is New England United for
Justice. In New York, ACORN is New York Communities for Change. In Arkansas,
ACORN has become Arkansas Community Organizations (“ACO”). In Louisiana, ACORN is “A Community Voice”. In Missouri, ACORN is Missourians Organizing for
Reform and Empowerment (“MORE”). In Washington state, ACORN is Organization
United for Reform (“OUR”) Washington. In Minnesota, ACORN is Minnesota
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change. In Pennsylvania, ACORN has become the
Pennsylvania Communities Organizing for Change (“PCOC”) and Pennsylvania
Neighborhoods for Social Justice, Inc. In Texas, ACORN is now the Texas Organizing
Project. ACORN Housing Corporation (“AHC”) has renamed itself Affordable Housing
Centers of America, Inc. According to Marcel Reid, a former ACORN Board member
and director of the ACORN 8, the reform group composed of former ACORN members,
ACORN has also formed new offices in North Carolina."
Full Report from US House of Representatives Staff report on Acorn Reinventing itself
In addition, Bertha Lewis, ACORN CEO seems to have come out of the socialist closet as are many of the democrat radicals in our government. While I prefer to post this type of information from a MSM source it is often impossible since they refuse to report the facts. Here is information on her talk to the socialist democrats who admit on their web page they have hijacked the democrat party.
Link to Socialist Democrats web site to learn who they are
Video clips from Bertha Lewis speach to Socialist Democrats
Link with transcripts for easy reading
And of course, no democrat can complete a speech today without an attack on the Tea Party movement as that has obviously been strongly communicated from the DNC. The instructions must be to infiltrate and attack the Tea Party. Here Berth Lewis calls the Tea Party Movement a "bowel movement". (this was at the 1:20 point of the video above) This was right after she warned them of the dangers of our times and the mask coming off. That this was going to be worse than internment camps, Jim Crow laws or anything else. She tells them to organize and fight it with all they have. I am sure glad we don't have any fear and hate mongers on the left. At least on the right they are the fringes and told they are not welcome and to get out of the Tea Party. On the left they are in power with leadership titles and positions. The same people who hated this country in the 60's are now in power and fulfilling their dreams of tearing down this republic. They see this as their time to finally turn this country into a socialist nation which isn't far from them becoming Marxist. FYI, I have been to Tea Parties and that could not be further from the truth. They are people who believe in running this country according to the constitution and want to pass on to the next generation the same country of opportunity that entered the 20 century. That was before we had a century of progressive policy of federal power grabs in the name of social justice.
Monday, April 19, 2010
American Revival Handbook
I went to Glenn Beck's American revival Saturday before last and have scanned all the sections of the workbook into PDF files and would share with anyone who is interested. His theme for the American Revival and the key to the restoration of America is a return to the Faith, Hope and Charity fundamentals of our founding fathers. He had experts, professors and writers each take either faith, hope or charity and write on it. Below is the section of the work book, the writer and the title of the writing. Let me know if you would like any of these and I will email them. The files are pretty big for some reason but they are all PDFs. In total there are 125 pages and if you have time for reading I am sure they are all very good.
Glenn Beck, Restoring Honor Intro
Charity, Andrew Napolitano, What Ever Happened to States Rights
Charity, Darcy Olsen, The Importance of Limited Government Power
Charity, Greg Stube, Doing the Right Think
Charity, Keith Ablow, The Value of Truth
Charity, Salena Zito, Freedom of the Press
Charity, Wayne Lapierre, Help Defend the source and Safeguard of All American Freedom
Faith, Bruce Feiler, How Moses Shaped America and How He Can Save it Again
Faith, David Barton, One Nation Under God
Faith from Atheist Penn Jillette, One Atheist Decalogue The Ten Good Ideas
Faith, Pastor Stephen Broden, Strange Fire and Unholy Mixture, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology and Faith
Faith, Pastor Stephen Broden, Strange Fire and Unholy Mixture, Marxism, Black Liberation Theology and Faith
Hope, Ben Sherwood, How to Survive Anything and Everything
Hope, Burton Folsom Jr, The Constitutional and Progressive Visions from Coolidge to Obama
Hope, Damon Vickers, We Are at the Crossroads
Hope, Dr. Frank Luntz, Restoring the Value of Language
Hope, Joshua Cooper, The Age of the Unthinkable
Hope, Karl Rove, Getting Washingtons Attention
Hope, Ronald J Pestritto, The Progressive Assault on the American Constitution
Hope, Thomas Sowell, Intelligence Vs Intellect
If you like this kind of thing then you may be interested in "Restoring Honor" on August 28th from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Any funds raised in excess of cost will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and if he doesn't raise enough then Beck will personally make up the shortage. There is no admission price and there are on line auctions being conducted to raise money as well as contributions
If you like this kind of thing then you may be interested in "Restoring Honor" on August 28th from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Any funds raised in excess of cost will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and if he doesn't raise enough then Beck will personally make up the shortage. There is no admission price and there are on line auctions being conducted to raise money as well as contributions
And there goes private property rights
Now if someone defaults on their mortgage the progressive left wants to require the lender to allow them to rent for up to 5 years at "fair market rents". So there goes your private property rights, another socialist move by your President and his boss George Soros. The person who loans the money has no rights and the person defaulting on the loan has the rights regardless of hardship on the lender. Kind of like the lenders rights in the auto industry bankruptcies, the lenders had no rights an the unions were given equity out of lenders and government funds. I think the constitution and the American system of capitalism is losing every battle right now.
The government is doing all they can to make sure no one has the risk of failure except high income people and businesses who are not already dependent upon the government.
The government is doing all they can to make sure no one has the risk of failure except high income people and businesses who are not already dependent upon the government.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Abortion, Torture and the Democrat Party Platform
So the Democrats in their own platform strongly support the right of a mother to kill her baby regardless of ability to pay. Sounds like their platform always intended to have government funded abortions. Bart Stupack was a member of a party with this platform and then conceded to a solution that 4 pages later they had said they would never use. Read the following from Page 50 of the 2008 platform:
The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right
to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all
efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family
planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed
choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education
help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for
abortions." Link to PDF of platform
Page 54 and 55 under the heading "Reclaiming Our Constitution and Our Liberties" we reject torture of terrorist and the use of signing statements to alter law. So pouring water on the face of a terrorist is bad but killing unborn american babies is a right of people who made it through that early portion of their life. He used a signing statement to alter law in getting Bart Stupack to support healthcare by using a signing statement to alter the healthcare bill. Lies on top of lies.
Here it is directly from the 2008 platform:
"We reject torture. We reject sweeping claims of “inherent” presidential power. We will revisit
the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight
years. We will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine duly enacted law. And we will
ensure that law-abiding Americans of any origin, including Arab-Americans and Muslim-
Americans, do not become the scapegoats of national security fears.
We believe that our Constitution, our courts, our institutions, and our traditions work."
Kill babies and let the government pay for it but don't pour water in the face of a terrorist and never attempt to alter law with presidential signing statements. How can any democrat hold their head high to be a part of this turning America into a weaker nation as socialist and marxist country based upon lies and misdirections.
Here is the bill in PDF and I must admit there if you search the word Abortion it comes up 25 times and is very confusing as it seems to say it is not to be paid with federal funds but then later is says that States can decide to allow it if they want. Very confusing and makes you understand why Stupack wanted an amendment that Reid and Pelosi would not agree to. It is confusing enough that I would imagine the end goal is that as stated in the Democrats platform they want access to abortions regardless of ability to pay.
More information on signing statements and rule of law:
Q: Didn’t the American Bar Association declare that Bush’s use of signing statements was unconstitutional?
A: In July 2006, an ABA “Blue Ribbon Task Force”—not “The ABA”—found that these presidential assertions of constitutional authority “undermine the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers.” The report of the bipartisan commission, which relied on the American Presidency Project database, can be found here:
Q: What does the ABA Task Force say the president should do if he thinks a bill passed by congress includes unconstitutional provisions?
A: Veto the bill.
The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right
to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all
efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family
planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed
choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education
help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for
abortions." Link to PDF of platform
Page 54 and 55 under the heading "Reclaiming Our Constitution and Our Liberties" we reject torture of terrorist and the use of signing statements to alter law. So pouring water on the face of a terrorist is bad but killing unborn american babies is a right of people who made it through that early portion of their life. He used a signing statement to alter law in getting Bart Stupack to support healthcare by using a signing statement to alter the healthcare bill. Lies on top of lies.
Here it is directly from the 2008 platform:
"We reject torture. We reject sweeping claims of “inherent” presidential power. We will revisit
the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight
years. We will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine duly enacted law. And we will
ensure that law-abiding Americans of any origin, including Arab-Americans and Muslim-
Americans, do not become the scapegoats of national security fears.
We believe that our Constitution, our courts, our institutions, and our traditions work."
Kill babies and let the government pay for it but don't pour water in the face of a terrorist and never attempt to alter law with presidential signing statements. How can any democrat hold their head high to be a part of this turning America into a weaker nation as socialist and marxist country based upon lies and misdirections.
Here is the bill in PDF and I must admit there if you search the word Abortion it comes up 25 times and is very confusing as it seems to say it is not to be paid with federal funds but then later is says that States can decide to allow it if they want. Very confusing and makes you understand why Stupack wanted an amendment that Reid and Pelosi would not agree to. It is confusing enough that I would imagine the end goal is that as stated in the Democrats platform they want access to abortions regardless of ability to pay.
More information on signing statements and rule of law:
Q: Didn’t the American Bar Association declare that Bush’s use of signing statements was unconstitutional?
A: In July 2006, an ABA “Blue Ribbon Task Force”—not “The ABA”—found that these presidential assertions of constitutional authority “undermine the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers.” The report of the bipartisan commission, which relied on the American Presidency Project database, can be found here:
Q: What does the ABA Task Force say the president should do if he thinks a bill passed by congress includes unconstitutional provisions?
A: Veto the bill.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
While Obama keeps attacking the Rich, half of America pays no income tax
No wonder they keep attacking the rich when half the country is paying no taxes we already have accomplished redistribution. As long as he can keep those half who are paying nothing and getting far more than they pay in benefits voting the progressive left will stay in control until this country has ceased to exist as a free market capitalist economy. Liberals must be happy to know they are about there. Dismantle our position in the world and cause the American system to cave in under its' own weight by what they push as "social justice".
Monday, April 5, 2010
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