The headlines today are just giddy as they tear apart this country. People in the media and on the left seem to see the government as God and able to run contrary to the fundamental laws of nature and economics. There doesn't seem to be any correlation in their minds between playing God and granting what they term as a "right" to health care and the need for the government to take from others the cost of providing that right. They are calling this "Historic" and saying "Biggest Health Measure Since Medicare". Yes, that is the only truth in the paper and medicare is suffering from an 89 trillion dollar unfunded liability. "Social Security and Medicare Projections: 2009" The three things that are going to bankrupt this country are the three social programs celebrated most by the media and the democrats. Social Security, Medicare and now government mandated health care leading to single payer government health care due to the requirements put on private insurers that we all know they can not meet. They currently make less than 3% average profit so they are playing it pretty tight. These new mandates will break them which is the goal of the democrats. I have tried to discern the democrats from the progressives but with this bill they have all jumped into the same boat now. Social security could have probably been saved without the takedown of the US Government however the government foray into healthcare with medicare already accounts for 89 trillion of the unfunded liability and thus was already destined to be the cause of the US bankruptcy. Now the same party who thought they had done such a good job with medicare has taken over the balance of the American health care system.
These congressmen have confused themselves with God, as have the democrat party and the media. View this clip where a congressman revels in giving the American people the "right" to health care. As I understand the founding documents, the rights of the people were from God and the government was not to interfere with those rights. According to the Declaration of Independence "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". As you can see the rights were from our creator not from the government. Our current government not only interferes but they take from others the cost associated with granting those rights. Another irony in comparing the Declaration with the just passed bill is the fact that this government will now be allowed to take one of the God Given rights of "life" and pay for the elimination of that right through an abortion. I know Obama said he will issue an executive order to over ride that part of the law. However, as I understand it the law is created when congress presents the bill to the president and he signs it. He can not change the law with executive orders unless we are now a dictatorship. Although he has been making a habit lately of issuing executive orders when Congress does not do as he wishes.
The constitution went on to further limit the federal governments power to usurp both the states rights and individual rights. The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. The Tenth Amendment restates the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states by the constitution of the United States are reserved to the states or the people. The "people" are not the Federal Government. The federal government was only given certain power and all other powers were retained by the states and the people. Remember the states existed first and together created the Federal Government with very limited power granted to it by the States. The powers of the Federal Government were very specific and limited. If you have not read the constitution in a while here is a a link, read it, study it and look into the history behind it. Understand the objectives of protecting the people from an all powerful central government so abhorred by many of those drafting the document. Many had recently risked lives and fortunes and witnessed many others who lost what they risked in the pursuit of the freedom sought by those documents of the Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution. U. S. Constitution
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