Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama picture reading Post American World

I was forwarded this picture and description and had to check it out as so often the descriptions are not accurate.   However, as I have now learned Snopes is very biased towards supporting Obama so when you read Snopes you can't stop there as you are going to get something like a main stream media explanation of Van Jones.   So I just went to Amazon to see the book description and while Snopes was partially right they white washed what it was about.  It appears to me Obama was planning on how to accelerate the decline of America in elevating the world.   The captions below the picture are not accurate regarding the authors religion other than that this is all accurate. Review

Book Description
"This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else." So begins Fareed Zakaria's important new work on the era we are now entering. Following on the success of his best-selling The Future of Freedom, Zakaria describes with equal prescience a world in which the United States will no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures. He sees the "rise of the rest"—the growth of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, and many others—as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems. How should the United States understand and thrive in this rapidly changing international climate? What does it mean to live in a truly global era? Zakaria answers these questions with his customary lucidity, insight, and imagination.


Obama has only been to church twice since becoming President so you won't likely see him with a bible any more.  Instead he is reading the book "The Post-American World," written by a fellow Muslim.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spanked, then punched

The President spent nearly every ounce of political capital he had to jam this healthcare bill down America's throat. He said himself this bill would make or break his presidency. Now that it's through, one would think he has it made. But, apparently the President isn't satisfied with spanking middle America once. Nope, he's countering immediately with an immigration sucker punch. Glenn explains why the President is giving America the 1-2 combo on radio today.

Audio of Beck Show monologue


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today in History; March 23

What a great day for patriots and communist. Think there is any correlation?

March 23, 1775 Patrick Henry proclaims "give me liberty or give me death"

March 23, 1919 Moscow's Politburo/Central Committee forms

March 23, 1919 Benito Mussolini forms Fascist movement in Milan Italy

March 23, 1919 Bashkir ASSR, in RSFSR, constituted

March 23, 1919 Perserikatan Communist of India (PKI) political party forms

March 23, 1933 Enabling Act: German Reichstag grants Adolph Hitler dictatorial powers

March 23, 1936 Italy, Austria & Hungary sign Pact of Rome

March 23, 1942 2,500 Jews of Lublin massacred or deported

March 23, 1942 US move native-born of Japanese ancestry into detention centers

March 23, 1943 German counter attack on US lines in Tunisia

March 23, 1945 Largest operation in Pacific war, 1,500 US Navy ships bomb Okinawa

March 23, 1956 Pakistan proclaimed an Islamic republic in Commonwealth (Natl Day)

March 23, 1983 US president Ronald Reagan introduces "Star Wars"-plan (SDI)

March 23, 2010 United States of America becomes United Socialist States of America through the nationalizing of Health Care and the Student loan program added to the American auto industry, banking industry and insurance industry in just one year under Obama and the socialist far left majority in congress.

Monday, March 22, 2010

God, in the Form of the US Congress has now Given the People another Right

The headlines today are just giddy as they tear apart this country.    People in the media and on the left seem to see the government as God and able to run contrary to the fundamental laws of nature and economics.  There doesn't seem to be any correlation in their minds between playing God and granting what they term as a "right" to health care and the need for the government to take from others the cost of providing that right.   They are calling this "Historic" and saying "Biggest Health Measure Since Medicare".   Yes, that is the only truth in the paper and medicare is suffering from an 89 trillion dollar unfunded liability.   "Social Security and Medicare Projections: 2009"  The three things that are going to bankrupt this country are the three social programs celebrated most by the media and the democrats.   Social Security, Medicare and now government mandated health care leading to single payer government health care due to the requirements put on private insurers that we all know they can not meet.   They currently make less than 3% average profit so they are playing it pretty tight.   These new mandates will break them which is the goal of the democrats.   I have tried to discern the democrats from the progressives but with this bill they have all jumped into the same boat now.  Social security could have probably been saved without the takedown of the US Government however the government foray into healthcare with medicare already accounts for 89 trillion of the unfunded liability and thus was already destined to be the cause of the US bankruptcy.   Now the same party who thought they had done such a good job with medicare has taken over the balance of the American health care system. 

These congressmen have confused themselves with God, as have the democrat party and the media.   View this clip where a congressman revels in giving the American people the "right" to health care. As I understand the founding documents, the rights of the people were from God and the government was not to interfere with those rights.  According to the Declaration of Independence "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".    As you can see the rights were from our creator not from the government.   Our current government not only interferes but they take from others the cost associated with granting those rights. Another irony in comparing the Declaration with the just passed bill is the fact that this government will now be allowed to take one of the God Given rights of "life" and pay for the elimination of that right through an abortion.   I know Obama said he will issue an executive order to over ride that part of the law.   However, as I understand it the law is created when congress presents the bill to the president and he signs it.  He can not change the law with executive orders unless we are now a dictatorship.  Although he has been making a habit lately of issuing executive orders when Congress does not do as he wishes. 

The constitution went on to further limit the federal governments power to usurp both the states rights and individual rights.   The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. The Tenth Amendment restates the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states by the constitution of the United States are reserved to the states or the people.  The "people" are not the Federal Government.   The federal government was only given certain power and all other powers were retained by the states and the people.   Remember the states existed first and together created the Federal Government with very limited power granted to it by the States.  The powers of the Federal Government were very specific and limited.  If you have not read the constitution in a while here is a a link, read it, study it and look into the history behind it.  Understand the objectives of protecting the people from an all powerful central government so abhorred by many of those drafting the document.   Many had recently risked lives and fortunes and witnessed many others who lost what they risked in the pursuit of the freedom sought by those documents of the Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution.  U. S. Constitution

We have failed to listen to America. And We have failed to reflect the will of our constituents

Friday, March 19, 2010

This is Absolutely The funniest joke ever.......
Let it sink in.
By the time you get to the bottom, you will understand!

Does anybody out there have any memory
Of the reason given for the establishment
Of the
During the Carter Administration?
  • Anybody?
  • Anything?
  • No?
  • Didn't think so!
Bottom line ......
We've spent several hundred billion dollars
In support of an agency ...the reason
For which not one person who reads
This  can remember.  Ready???????
It was very simple ..
And at the time everybody thought
 It very appropriate...
'Department of Energy'
Was instituted on

Hey, pretty efficient, huh?????

AND NOW IT'S 2009, 
It has not created one BTU, kilowatt, or single drop of oil.. The only energy produced by the Dept of Energy is the rapid flow of taxpayer dollars!

Ah, yes, good old bureaucracy...
And NOW _ we are going to turn
The Banking System, Health Care and
The Auto Industry over to the government.
May God Help Us !!!
Keep this one going....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Conyers’ Wife Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison in Corruption Case

Can you imagine what MSNBC would do to any republican congressman if this were a republican wife? This isn't even a national news clip but just a local news story. » Conyers’ Wife Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison in Corruption Case

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rep. Massa Blast Dems: He Was Set Up

This should be the biggest news anywhere as we have someone on the inside who is now willing to admit what we all know. Beck has been saying for a year that we need people on the inside to root out the corruption of Washington DC. Yet I found this no place on the main stream news but on Naked Emporor news. And now he will be on Beck this afternoon and all we will see is the main stream media making fun of Beck and anyone who talks with him. Yet he he is one of the only if not the only true rational thinking patriot left in our media. This democratic representative from New York has to resign over a comment made at a wedding yet Charlie Rangle can cheat and lie on his taxes and it takes the house years to even decide if that was wrong. It amazes me now how much money Rrangle, a career politician, has raised in his political action committees for other far left dems. Last I heard there was $700,000 being given to charity or returned by other dems they had received from Rangle. How could someone in government their whole life give millions to other dems for their campaigns. All of a sudden they are again charitable with other peoples money even if it is dirty. Makes you understand why the dems and especially Pelosi don't want to reprimand him no matter what he did.  He must be an ATM machine for other dems.   Again you will not find this scandal on NBC, ABC, CBS or CNN. I just looked on at what Rangle raised and spent on his campaign for his 20th term in the house with essentially no serious contender.   He raised 5 million and spent 4.2 million of it." 2008 Rangle"   And now even with this issue going on he says he may not get 90% of the vote this year.  He has no concern for his 21st term and just may not get 90% of the vote.   Why is it that an openly corrupt politician can continue to get elected if they are a democrat like Rangle or Marion Barry in DC? 

"Finallly found something on the post" » Rep. Massa Blast Dems: He Was Set Up…Hoyer Lied…May Rescind Resignation

"Rangle "

Tuesday, March 2, 2010