Read this link to a very interesting sermon.
Sermon Text
Interesting sermon. I went and read Genesis starting in 39 and the first mistake of the Egyptian people was not saving for themselves but allowing Pharaoh to save for them. During the seven years of plenty Pharaoh, on Josephs advice and management, took 20% of the crops and stored them. Then when the famine came Pharaoh had all the
stored food and the Egyptians were forced to pay with everything they had just to get survival food. I think much of this country has made the same mistake, during the years of plenty very few saved and now that we are in the beginning years of famine people are looking to the government to meet all their needs. Pharaoh couldn't print money and devalue the currency of those who had saved and planned as the US Government can today. So today, although the Government didn't plan
ahead and save from years of plenty they can through currency devaluation and the institution of new taxes and fees take from those who did plan ahead and the end result is the same. Everyone becomes a servant of the government.
Now this view is from that of an Egyptian, as for the Hebrews and the sons of Jacob it gave the opportunity for Joseph to deliver his Fathers family from the famines of Canaan with God using Joseph to accomplish this.
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