Read this link to a very interesting sermon.
Sermon Text
Interesting sermon. I went and read Genesis starting in 39 and the first mistake of the Egyptian people was not saving for themselves but allowing Pharaoh to save for them. During the seven years of plenty Pharaoh, on Josephs advice and management, took 20% of the crops and stored them. Then when the famine came Pharaoh had all the
stored food and the Egyptians were forced to pay with everything they had just to get survival food. I think much of this country has made the same mistake, during the years of plenty very few saved and now that we are in the beginning years of famine people are looking to the government to meet all their needs. Pharaoh couldn't print money and devalue the currency of those who had saved and planned as the US Government can today. So today, although the Government didn't plan
ahead and save from years of plenty they can through currency devaluation and the institution of new taxes and fees take from those who did plan ahead and the end result is the same. Everyone becomes a servant of the government.
Now this view is from that of an Egyptian, as for the Hebrews and the sons of Jacob it gave the opportunity for Joseph to deliver his Fathers family from the famines of Canaan with God using Joseph to accomplish this.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Recycling Cans
I have been telling Christopher how I used to save newspapers and cans for recycling when I was young. He has started saving cans and we were just looking to see how many cans it takes to make a pound which turns out is about 34 and the price I most recently saw was 55 cents a pound at the recyclers. However in that web site on which we learned how many cans there are per pound we learned what a major environmental impact recycling cans can have. Here is the link to that site and hopefully this will cause you to think before you throw cans in the garbage. Not for the money involved but for the positive environmental impact.
Recycling questions answered
Recycling questions answered
Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare Information
I have been wondering what exactly is medicaid and why do we need government run health care to insure all the uninsured when we already have it with medicaid. I thought maybe I didn't understand what medicaid really is. I am going to paste some links here so you can see for yourself what medicaid really is. Once you realize what medicaid is you really wonder what this is all about. We already have a bankrupt government health care system in the form of both medicare and medicaid. Medicare for old people and Medicaid for the poor people. Thus the issue really becomes socializing the remaining amount of our health care in pursuit of FDR's second bill of rights.
Here is a link from the National Conference of State Legislatures giving an explanation of Medicaid
Short commercial explanation of Medicare
Now lets look at the unfunded liabilities of social security and medicare.
Of course we now understand this news clip from December 24, 2009.
We now understand what important legislation means to a liberal. Legislation that has the legitimate opportunity to bankrupt an entire nation.
So of course we can understand why the government should take over all health care decisions on costs and benefits provided. They have done such a good job so far of spending money they don't have, why not expand it to the entire population, and just accelerate the bankrupting of this country. Lets look at how the Congressional Budget Office has done in the past of estimating the future since the democrats are basing their takeover of health care on CBO estimates. Is the US Government bankrupt?
Here is a link from the National Conference of State Legislatures giving an explanation of Medicaid
Short commercial explanation of Medicare
Now lets look at the unfunded liabilities of social security and medicare.
Of course we now understand this news clip from December 24, 2009.
President Obama just delivered a short speech praising Senate passage of the health care bill, calling the health care bill one of the most important piece of social legislation since Social Security in the 1930's and Medicare in the 1960's.
We now understand what important legislation means to a liberal. Legislation that has the legitimate opportunity to bankrupt an entire nation.
So of course we can understand why the government should take over all health care decisions on costs and benefits provided. They have done such a good job so far of spending money they don't have, why not expand it to the entire population, and just accelerate the bankrupting of this country. Lets look at how the Congressional Budget Office has done in the past of estimating the future since the democrats are basing their takeover of health care on CBO estimates. Is the US Government bankrupt?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Internet TV and Videos, Where the real journalism has gone
I just watched these two videos from this guy who seems to do more to educate and inform than 60 minutes with their unlimited budget. Pretty sad when we can get more education from internet sites with very small budgets such as PJTV and breitbarttv than we can from our "state run media" known as CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN.
Detroit in RUINS! (Why)
Detroit residents express little faith in Washington to fix city, auto industry
Detroit in RUINS! (Why)
Detroit residents express little faith in Washington to fix city, auto industry
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
U.S. promises unlimited financial assistance to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Only Obama would offer unlimited aid. No CEO would ever offer open ended commitments such as this.
On the same day that Obama was taking additional shots at the insurance industry and proclaiming historic progress toward nationalizing health insurance he was offering unlimited aid to Fannie and Freddie. Not only that but approving of multimillion dollar bonuses to their top management. If you are a friend of the White House then multimillion dollar bonuses are fine and even supported with government cash but if you are on their "shit list" then you should be restricted to 400,000 per year.
Here is an excerpt from the news long ago (December 5, 2009) relative to the just passed senate bill:
Unlimited aid
Fannie, Freddie CEOs to Earn $4M-$6M in '09
On the same day that Obama was taking additional shots at the insurance industry and proclaiming historic progress toward nationalizing health insurance he was offering unlimited aid to Fannie and Freddie. Not only that but approving of multimillion dollar bonuses to their top management. If you are a friend of the White House then multimillion dollar bonuses are fine and even supported with government cash but if you are on their "shit list" then you should be restricted to 400,000 per year.
Here is an excerpt from the news long ago (December 5, 2009) relative to the just passed senate bill:
"Talks to find common ground on those issues are happening behind the scenes, but coloring the public action. Democratic leaders were giving the spotlight Saturday to Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark. — a key moderate with a difficult re-election next year — to propose an amendment that would limit insurance executives' tax deductible salaries to the same amount the U.S. president makes — currently $400,000.This amendment failed but the intent is already in the bill.
The bill already includes a limit of $500,000 added by Lincoln earlier, so the new amendment doesn't represent a major change, though it does add a provision directing the expected $650 million in revenue to the Medicare trust fund."
Unlimited aid
Fannie, Freddie CEOs to Earn $4M-$6M in '09
Thursday, December 24, 2009
White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire
Why would we be surprised if the White House Christmas Tree had a Mao Zedong Christmas ornament. We had a white house communication director this year who had Mao as one of her favorite philosophers and when she left her husband then became the White House attorney which only made sense as he had been Obamas personal attorney before that.
White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire
Anita Dunn Video
White House Christmas Decor Featuring Mao Zedong Comes Under Fire
Anita Dunn Video
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Obama Gives Save Award
Obama was on the bully pulpit again yesterday attacking his predecessor for poor fiscal management and telling us that he is saving the US and the world. He had nothing but praise for the senate in their fleecing of America state by state with bribes for socialized health-care for all. His words are almost laughable if he were not the president of the US.
He also was promoting his SAVE program and the award of the first winner. Below is the text from the portion of his self congratulatory talk on health care yesterday related to the program. Note they had 38,000 ideas submitted from Government employees and they voted on them and narrowed it down to 4 and finally this one great idea.
The winning idea:
Nancy Fichtner from Colorado thinks that veterans leaving VA hospitals should be able to take the medicine they've been using home with them instead of it being thrown away when they're discharged.
As is the case in most hospitals all across the country, medicine that is used in the hospital is not given to patients to be brought home; instead, it is thrown out. "Currently the inpatient medications such as ointments, inhalers, eye drops, and other bulk items are being disposed of upon patient discharge." Nancy proposes ending this waste and finding a way to allow this medicine to be used by those who need it.
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
What a genius idea, I am sure glad this was voted on among 38,000 ideas and deemed the best and that the President of the United States was able to give the award. Glad we were able to fly her and her family across the country for the presentation. This was an award that shows the lack of empowerment in our federal government. This idea should never have had to go beyond the shift supervisor on the floor of the hospital but instead had to be submitted, reviewed at probably every level of the VA then voted on and then given an award at the white house. And these are the people who have come up with the idea to save our entire health care system. Should make you feel better after you read the transcript or perhaps even watch the whole video of his praise for the fleecing of the taxpayers by the the Senate.
Entire transcript in case you can't get enough:
Time Transcript of speach
Link to White House Video
Otherwise here is the portion related to this earth shattering idea:
" Now, embracing this kind of responsibility in Washington is what also brings us here today. I am pleased to be joined this morning by my Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Ric Shinseki; my budget director, Peter Orszag; and our special guest, last but not least, the winner of the first annual SAVE Award -- and that's Nancy Fichtner of Loma, Colorado.
Having met with Nancy a few minutes ago, I can tell you Nancy means business. She is a single working mom; she's a clerk with the VA; she's an artist; she's an outdoorswoman; and she is an avid hunter. In fact, somewhere in the western United States, there is an elk that is breathing a sigh of relief because Nancy is here instead of where she would have been: hunting with her kids. (Laughter.) And I believe her children are here -- where's Nancy's kids? There they are right there. It's great to see you guys. Nancy's daughter -- she skins and guts her elk, so don't mess with her either. (Laughter.)
We're all here for a simple reason. At a time when we face not only a fiscal crisis, but also a host of difficult challenges as a nation, business as usual in Washington just won't cut it. We need a government that's more efficient, that's more effective, and far more fiscally responsible.
When my administration walked through the door, the country faced a growing economic downturn as well as a deepening fiscal hole. Washington had passed massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an expensive new entitlement program without paying for any of it. Health care costs continued to rise, year after year. And little effort was made to cut wasteful spending. As a result, over the previous eight years, the national debt doubled -- doubled. In January, the deficit stood at $1.3 trillion. And we had to make the difficult decision to add to the deficit in the short term to prevent the potential collapse of our economy."
"Finally, I've issued a challenge to every man and woman who works for the federal government: If you see a way that government could do its job better, or do the same job for less money, I want to know about it. That's why we started the SAVE Award, to draw on those who know government best to improve how government works. We asked federal employees to submit reform proposals based on their experiences. And in a testament to the seriousness with which these folks are taking their jobs, we received more than 38,000 proposals in just three weeks.
From these submissions, four finalists were selected and put to an online vote. Nancy is here because she won. Her idea stems from her experience at the VA Medical Center where she works. She noticed that whenever patients left the hospital, leftover medications like eye drops or inhalers were just thrown away. And often, veterans would have to go right back to the pharmacy to refill what was discarded. So the VA is paying twice -- it's waste, plain and simple. And thanks to Nancy -- and to Secretary Shinseki and the folks at Veterans Affairs -- we're putting a stop to it. The change is already underway.
Of course, Nancy's proposal was just one of many great ideas that came to us. We've already begun to implement a host of suggestions made through the SAVE contest. And while promoting electronic paystubs or scheduling Social Security appointments online or re-purposing unused government supplies may not be the most glamorous reforms in history, when taken together, these small changes can add up; they add up to a transformation of how government works.
And that's why we're going to turn the SAVE Award into an annual event. That's why we're holding a forum at the White House next month to seek more ideas from the private sector, specifically about how we can better use technology to reform our government for the 21st century.
After years of irresponsibility, we are once again taking responsibility for every dollar we spend, the same way families do. It's true that what I've described today will not be enough to get us out of our fiscal mess by itself. We face a deficit that will take some tough decisions in the next year's budget and in years to come to get under control. But these changes will save the American people billions of dollars. And they'll help to put in place a government that's more efficient and effective, that wastes less money on no-bid contracts, that's cutting bureaucracy and harnessing technology, that's more fiscally responsible, and that better serve the American taxpayer. That's the government we need. That's the government I intend to implement. That's the kind of government that the American people deserve. And that's the kind of government that people like Nancy are helping to build each and every day.
So, Nancy, congratulations. We're proud of you. Thank you so much. Thank you. We're very proud of your mom. (Laughter.) That's great."
Now don't you feel better about our federal government getting spending under control.
He also was promoting his SAVE program and the award of the first winner. Below is the text from the portion of his self congratulatory talk on health care yesterday related to the program. Note they had 38,000 ideas submitted from Government employees and they voted on them and narrowed it down to 4 and finally this one great idea.
The winning idea:
Nancy Fichtner from Colorado thinks that veterans leaving VA hospitals should be able to take the medicine they've been using home with them instead of it being thrown away when they're discharged.
As is the case in most hospitals all across the country, medicine that is used in the hospital is not given to patients to be brought home; instead, it is thrown out. "Currently the inpatient medications such as ointments, inhalers, eye drops, and other bulk items are being disposed of upon patient discharge." Nancy proposes ending this waste and finding a way to allow this medicine to be used by those who need it.
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
What a genius idea, I am sure glad this was voted on among 38,000 ideas and deemed the best and that the President of the United States was able to give the award. Glad we were able to fly her and her family across the country for the presentation. This was an award that shows the lack of empowerment in our federal government. This idea should never have had to go beyond the shift supervisor on the floor of the hospital but instead had to be submitted, reviewed at probably every level of the VA then voted on and then given an award at the white house. And these are the people who have come up with the idea to save our entire health care system. Should make you feel better after you read the transcript or perhaps even watch the whole video of his praise for the fleecing of the taxpayers by the the Senate.
Entire transcript in case you can't get enough:
Time Transcript of speach
Link to White House Video
Otherwise here is the portion related to this earth shattering idea:
" Now, embracing this kind of responsibility in Washington is what also brings us here today. I am pleased to be joined this morning by my Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Ric Shinseki; my budget director, Peter Orszag; and our special guest, last but not least, the winner of the first annual SAVE Award -- and that's Nancy Fichtner of Loma, Colorado.
Having met with Nancy a few minutes ago, I can tell you Nancy means business. She is a single working mom; she's a clerk with the VA; she's an artist; she's an outdoorswoman; and she is an avid hunter. In fact, somewhere in the western United States, there is an elk that is breathing a sigh of relief because Nancy is here instead of where she would have been: hunting with her kids. (Laughter.) And I believe her children are here -- where's Nancy's kids? There they are right there. It's great to see you guys. Nancy's daughter -- she skins and guts her elk, so don't mess with her either. (Laughter.)
We're all here for a simple reason. At a time when we face not only a fiscal crisis, but also a host of difficult challenges as a nation, business as usual in Washington just won't cut it. We need a government that's more efficient, that's more effective, and far more fiscally responsible.
When my administration walked through the door, the country faced a growing economic downturn as well as a deepening fiscal hole. Washington had passed massive tax cuts for the wealthy and an expensive new entitlement program without paying for any of it. Health care costs continued to rise, year after year. And little effort was made to cut wasteful spending. As a result, over the previous eight years, the national debt doubled -- doubled. In January, the deficit stood at $1.3 trillion. And we had to make the difficult decision to add to the deficit in the short term to prevent the potential collapse of our economy."
"Finally, I've issued a challenge to every man and woman who works for the federal government: If you see a way that government could do its job better, or do the same job for less money, I want to know about it. That's why we started the SAVE Award, to draw on those who know government best to improve how government works. We asked federal employees to submit reform proposals based on their experiences. And in a testament to the seriousness with which these folks are taking their jobs, we received more than 38,000 proposals in just three weeks.
From these submissions, four finalists were selected and put to an online vote. Nancy is here because she won. Her idea stems from her experience at the VA Medical Center where she works. She noticed that whenever patients left the hospital, leftover medications like eye drops or inhalers were just thrown away. And often, veterans would have to go right back to the pharmacy to refill what was discarded. So the VA is paying twice -- it's waste, plain and simple. And thanks to Nancy -- and to Secretary Shinseki and the folks at Veterans Affairs -- we're putting a stop to it. The change is already underway.
Of course, Nancy's proposal was just one of many great ideas that came to us. We've already begun to implement a host of suggestions made through the SAVE contest. And while promoting electronic paystubs or scheduling Social Security appointments online or re-purposing unused government supplies may not be the most glamorous reforms in history, when taken together, these small changes can add up; they add up to a transformation of how government works.
And that's why we're going to turn the SAVE Award into an annual event. That's why we're holding a forum at the White House next month to seek more ideas from the private sector, specifically about how we can better use technology to reform our government for the 21st century.
After years of irresponsibility, we are once again taking responsibility for every dollar we spend, the same way families do. It's true that what I've described today will not be enough to get us out of our fiscal mess by itself. We face a deficit that will take some tough decisions in the next year's budget and in years to come to get under control. But these changes will save the American people billions of dollars. And they'll help to put in place a government that's more efficient and effective, that wastes less money on no-bid contracts, that's cutting bureaucracy and harnessing technology, that's more fiscally responsible, and that better serve the American taxpayer. That's the government we need. That's the government I intend to implement. That's the kind of government that the American people deserve. And that's the kind of government that people like Nancy are helping to build each and every day.
So, Nancy, congratulations. We're proud of you. Thank you so much. Thank you. We're very proud of your mom. (Laughter.) That's great."
Now don't you feel better about our federal government getting spending under control.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Is this the Change that was expected
Constitutional Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The terrible thing we have now is a President and regulatory czar who
believe we need to have a second bill of rights stating what the
government must do for you and enforcing redistributive change.
Notice how proud Obama was of giving the Indians 3.4 billion recently.
He is the CEO of a company who just settled a 3.4 billion claim and
he brags about it. Obama said during a 2001 radio interview
"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights
movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it
succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed
people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be
able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for
it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues
of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as
political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical
as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that
radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were
placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its
been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that
generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says
what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government
can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State
government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of
the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because
the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a
tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and
activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual
coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive
change. In some ways we still suffer from that."
And then Obama and Sunstein as well as I am sure most of the cabinet
and czars support FDR's massive expansion of the obligations of
government through a second bill of rights. Sunstein even wrote a
book called The Second Bill of Rights: FDR'S Unfinished Revolution and
Why We Need It More than Ever. Here is what that means:
The Second Bill of Rights was a proposal made by United States
President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his State of the Union Address
on January 11, 1944 to suggest that the nation had come to recognize,
and should now implement, a second bill of rights. Roosevelt did not
argue for any change to the United States Constitution; he argued that
the second bill of rights was to be implemented politically, not by
federal judges. Roosevelt's stated justification was that the
"political rights" guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of
happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to create an "economic bill of
rights" which would guarantee:
A job with a living wage
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
A home
Medical care
Roosevelt stated that having these rights would guarantee American
security, and that America's place in the world depended upon how far
these and similar rights had been carried into practice.
So you see the problem is not that our existing Bill of Rights was not
clear it is that we have a power structure in Washington who wants to
entirely redefine the role of government and idolizes socialist
agendas. They want to use politcal power and community organizing to
bring about the change that the Courts and Constitution have not been
able to achieve nor were they ever intended to achieve.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The terrible thing we have now is a President and regulatory czar who
believe we need to have a second bill of rights stating what the
government must do for you and enforcing redistributive change.
Notice how proud Obama was of giving the Indians 3.4 billion recently.
He is the CEO of a company who just settled a 3.4 billion claim and
he brags about it. Obama said during a 2001 radio interview
"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights
movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it
succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed
people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be
able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for
it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues
of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as
political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical
as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that
radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were
placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its
been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that
generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says
what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government
can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State
government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of
the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because
the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a
tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and
activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual
coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive
change. In some ways we still suffer from that."
And then Obama and Sunstein as well as I am sure most of the cabinet
and czars support FDR's massive expansion of the obligations of
government through a second bill of rights. Sunstein even wrote a
book called The Second Bill of Rights: FDR'S Unfinished Revolution and
Why We Need It More than Ever. Here is what that means:
The Second Bill of Rights was a proposal made by United States
President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his State of the Union Address
on January 11, 1944 to suggest that the nation had come to recognize,
and should now implement, a second bill of rights. Roosevelt did not
argue for any change to the United States Constitution; he argued that
the second bill of rights was to be implemented politically, not by
federal judges. Roosevelt's stated justification was that the
"political rights" guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of
happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to create an "economic bill of
rights" which would guarantee:
A job with a living wage
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies
A home
Medical care
Roosevelt stated that having these rights would guarantee American
security, and that America's place in the world depended upon how far
these and similar rights had been carried into practice.
So you see the problem is not that our existing Bill of Rights was not
clear it is that we have a power structure in Washington who wants to
entirely redefine the role of government and idolizes socialist
agendas. They want to use politcal power and community organizing to
bring about the change that the Courts and Constitution have not been
able to achieve nor were they ever intended to achieve.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chavez and Clinton in Copenhagen
It is very disturbing to me that Hugo Chavez can receive some of the most applause for attacking capitalism and the free markets. It tells you the political ideology of those who are attending that conference. Sure hope our President doesn't follow suit as he has been known to do both here and abroad relative to the evils of capitalism and the need for government regulation, ownership and control. Hillary pledged 100 billion per year to third world nations by 2020 yesterday financed by cap and trade in the US. At least I guess you have to say they are consistent. Redistribute the wealth in our own country and then turn around and use the environmental movement to redistribute the national wealth to poor nations and wa la, we have a socialist world where we are all equal.
Hugo Chavez remarks
Hillary pledge
Hugo Chavez remarks
Hillary pledge
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mt Rushmore addition
I was just listening to this short video of Becks talking about scattered glimpses of journalism occurring after a full year of silence. At the end of his video he made a comment that just when he thought they may be starting to be journalist again he saw a CBS poll about adding a president to Mt Rushmore and they had 6 dead presidents in the poll and one who has been in office for 10 months. I thought it must be a joke so I googled it. It wasn't a joke. Of course it was a 60 Minutes poll. I quite watching what used to be my favorite program about 6 months ago when it became obvious that 60 Minutes was a White House propaganda show and this pretty much supports my assertion.
Here is the Glenn Beck video link: Video
And then here is the CBS news poll in which you can vote for Obama being added to Mt
Rushmore survey
Here is the Glenn Beck video link: Video
And then here is the CBS news poll in which you can vote for Obama being added to Mt
Rushmore survey
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
7 stories Obama does not want told
Which means the media will probably never tell them. But, let's just say someone lost that chill up the leg, or didn't think the President and the first lady looked so gosh darned stunning. What would be the stories Obama doesn't want out for public consumption? The Politico has an article out that covers just that - including one thing about Obama's apparent lack of emotion that has bothered Glenn for some time now. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: 7 stories Obama does not want told
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Glenn Beck: 7 stories Obama does not want told
Glenn Beck - Interviews - Glenn Beck: Luttrell's take
Just listened to the audio of this interview twice and I know the transcript is not nearly as informative or interesting but the information is still there. This is a Navy Seal talking and that is about as front line and informed as you can get.
Glenn Beck - Interviews - Glenn Beck: Luttrell's take
Glenn Beck - Interviews - Glenn Beck: Luttrell's take
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