The graph on the right is of the percentage of the National Budget spent on Department of Defense both Civilian and Military plus the VA compared to spending on Health and Human services plus Social Security. Since 1962 they have completely switched places from defense taking over half the budget to social services taking over half of it. In 1962 the defense portion was 52.1 % compared to 16.7% for the social services. In 2007 it was defense 22.1% to social services 45.4. According to the 2009 budget, the estimate for 2013 is defense 19.2% and social services 50.3%. Think about that next time someone complains about the defense budget taking from social programs. Or they want to create a tax for funding defense. The progressives want to eliminate defense and they are well on their way. This comparison is even more extreme when you consider that the dollars involved have gone from about 100 billion in 1962 for the entire national budget to 3.5 trillion now. That is an increase of the total budget of three thousand five hundred percent. Thus if the percentage allocations had remained the same they would have been spending 35 times more than in 62. For a look at the actual dollars involved in 1962 the combined spending of defense and VA was 56.675 billion and for 2007 which is the last year we have actual numbers it was 649.808 billion an increase of 11.46 times or 1146 percent. For the combination of Health and Human Services and Social Security in 1962 they spent 17.9 billion as compared to 1,233.8 billion which is 1.2338 trillion for an increase of 68.9 times, 6,890 percent. The 2013 estimate is defense 707.914 billion compared to HHS and SS of 1,798.606 billion or about 1.8 trillion. Guess we can see where all the increased spending has occurred and continues to do so. Sure not on military. But now we want a tax just for the military spending so we can make people more aware of the military spending while we ignore the big spending abuse of social welfare programs.

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