Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Explanation of November Ballot Propositions

While in general I feel that the ballot propositions have been a disservice to voters as special interest are able to spin their agenda and sell a naive public on the merits of their special interest, this election is different.  There are many propositions on the ballot that are designed to push the federal government back from their take over of our individual liberties and freedoms.   So in this one case and one point in time there may a purpose to ballot propositions since our politicians don't usually have the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing against the special interest lobbies.  This was forwarded to me by a very conservative politician and I don't necessarily agree with every one of his recommendations (Prop 301) but that is for you to decide.   Just consider them all and support the ones you see as an affront to our individual liberties and freedoms.  

Explanation of November Ballot Propositions

Proposition 106 (YES)

This proposition would amend the Constitution to prohibit any law from compelling participation in any particular health care system. It would provide for purchase and sale of insurance in private health care systems. The proposition allows individuals to pay health care providers directly without penalty or fine. It is written to give Arizona patients the ability to opt out of federal mandates. The proposition protects individual freedoms in choosing health care.

Proposition 107 (YES)

This proposition would amend the Constitution to ban programs that give preferential treatment to or discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. The ban would apply to the state, counties, cities and towns. It would also affect universities and school districts. This repeal of affirmative action policies allows for fair opportunities for all job candidates.

Proposition 109 (YES)

This proposition asks voters to establish hunting, fishing and harvesting wildlife as constitutional rights for Arizona citizens.  It prevents any law or rule that would restrict these rights.  Arizona’s citizens greatly benefit from the outdoor activities offered by our bountiful natural resources. Proposition 109 is an important step toward protecting our ability to practice those sports and activities.

Proposition 110 (YES)

This proposition is a major step toward solving an ongoing challenge to military operations in Arizona.  It asks voters to amend state land laws to allow for the exchange of public land. This proposition is vital to Arizona’s military bases that have been threatened by encroaching development. Approval will enable the military to work with the State Land Department to protect both state land and the military operations that bring billions of dollars in economic benefit to the state each year.

As this State has experienced a change in executive leadership mid-term throughout the last two decades, it has become more apparent that an office of succession is a consideration that Arizona voters should decide.   If approved, this proposition would change the title of Secretary of State to that of Lieutenant Governor in 2015.  The transition of leadership would be more transparent to the public, and voters would be certain that the candidates they are electing are indeed assuming the possibility of holding a higher office should extraordinary, albeit more frequent, circumstances occur.

Proposition 112 (YES)

Over the past several election cycles, a number of citizen initiatives have been disqualified from the ballot after checks of petition signatures uncovered fraudulent signatures and highlighted the difficulty that strict time constraints placed on the verification process. This proposition increases the time for filing an initiative petition to no less than six months preceding the date of the election for the proposed measures. 

Proposition 113 (YES)

This proposition would amend the constitution to include a right to vote by secret ballot for employee representation. The right to vote by secret ballot is a fundamental right. If unions attempted to institute a “card check” instead of the secret ballot, workers would face intimidation to support union organization. 


This proposition would allow patients with specific medical conditions to obtain marijuana with a physician’s certification. The patients would be allowed to use marijuana to treat the identified medical condition or related symptoms. The proposition would require the Department of Health Services to regulate the process. Medical marijuana is not part of any plan to manage pain, and the FDA doesn’t recognize smoking marijuana as a treatment for any medical condition. The proposition also includes severe or chronic pain as a reason to prescribe, which invites the potential to abuse.
Let me add a couple of issues. 
  • Under Prop. 203, those high on Marijuana are NOT subject to our DUI laws,
  • law enforcement CANNOT inspect the distribution centers for Marijuana,
  • if one does not live in a metropolitan area they can grew up to 10 pot plants per person (about a kilo can be produced per plant),
  • they are exempt form worksite NO smoking policies (including all public places)
  • Anyone alleging they need it can get it. 
  • IF one really needs THC they can get it today in the form of a prescription pill called Marinal.  This is simply legalization with exceptions for Marijuana users that no other drug gets
  • The myth that this would save jail space it simply not true. NO ONE goes to jail for small amounts of Marijuana, it is a fine and probation or perhaps even a alternative program with not charges. About 92% of all those in jail are for serious crimes, violent crimes and repeat offenders.


The Legislature recognized the need for ballot referral reform in light of the budget crisis.  Simply put, the state can no longer spend the money for all the programs it has funded in the past. Proposition 301 would move money from the outstanding balance in the Land Conservation Fund to help balance the state budget for FY 2011. The balance is estimated at $123 million, and if the proposition does not pass, it would open up a hole that size in the current budget.


Voters also have an opportunity to repeal the Early Childhood Development and Health Board (First Things First) and redirect the funding to health and human services to children.  Since approved by the voters, the tobacco revenues accrued for First Things First have amassed (over $300 million unexpended) and a bureaucracy has been created.  The mission of the program is to refer citizens to other state funded programs that are imperiled by the lack of funding (such as child care wait lists and subsidies, Kids Care, early childhood education programs within the existing school systems, immunization and other programs).  Whether one is in agreement with the programs that may benefit from First Things First dollars, the state is obligated to fund them without revenues.  The enacted FY 11 budget assumes the passage of Proposition 302 to close the budget gap by $345,000,000 in revenues. Should this measure fail at the ballot, deeper children’s program cuts are inevitable. 

Friday, September 17, 2010


In this video you see Maxine Waters worried about people who don't have receipts or file tax returns still getting their free money from BP.   And she is assured that those people will get their money whether then can prove anything with documentation or not.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Obama's Department of Justice is Attacking Arizona

OK, I picked up this mornings paper and got worked up before I was back in the front door so had to write something to express my disdain for the way our Federal Government and often the media is attacking this country and state in particular.  I put many links in this so you can read more by following the links.  Warning may take you on a path that will kill your day as it often does for me.   I listen to Beck early in the morning and he gets you started on researching something and you spend the day doing so.   But in the end you are more informed.

Seems that every day I pick up the paper there is another Federal Government attack on Arizona.  They obviously have a goal of breaking the state of Arizona with their unlimited federal taxpayer funds to file lawsuits against our state.  Making an example of a state that has decided that Obama is not going to control our state.   I have in the past two weeks seen lawsuits from the DOJ against Sherrif Arpaio for enforcing illegal immigration, Arpaio was cleared by ICE 6 months before Holder became AG.  Another well publicized suit is against our Governor for signing a law that made state law enforcement officers check for imigration status and turn over offenders to Federal ICE, another DOJ suit has been filed against our community colleges because they required non citizens to show a green card before being hired.   And this morning the DOJ has opened an investigation against our state department of eduction for discriminating against teachers who teach "english learners" because they have instructed districts to fire teachers who are teaching these english classes who are not proficient in English.

Our progressive politicians are using class and race warfare to divide this country in an attempt to promote their agenda.   I am so tired of being called a racist because I support the tea parties and I think Obama is a radical socialist.   My beliefs are based upon much more evidence of Obamas past than anyone has of evidence that racism is rampant or even prevalent in the tea parties.   And today they say the Tea Parties are dangerous with no evidence of such.  You think they wouldn't make tea parties illegal if they could find a way and believe me they are looking.   Remember when they accused the health care protesters of racist slurs during Pelosi's walk to pass the bill yet after months of a $100,000 reward for any evidence of such none was ever found.  Do you think with all the cameras that were rolling that day if there were such things said or done they would not have been on camera.  Yet the liberal media and politicians continue to state that it happened and report it as if it is true.

Yet watch as leftist protests turn violent almost weekly.  Or leftist union thugs working on behalf of the White House beat opposition protesters.  Or watch the New Black Panthers outside a polling place in 2008 on video tape and the DOJ drops the case when the same person they have on tape holding a billy club at polling place is also on tape on a street corner saying we need to kill some crackers and cracker babies so they don't become the next oppressor.  That same DOJ files new law suits against Arizona weekly.   They don't file lawsuits against cities who are openly sanctuary cities and have openly said they will not enforce federal immigration laws but they do file suits against a state who says they are going to help the feds enforce federal laws.  All Arizona was trying to do was run interference for the feds and turn the people over to the Federal Government who could then choose to either enforce the law or let them loose again like they typically do.  Arizona is united in enforcing illegal immigration laws which is why the feds have attacked our State, our sheriffs, our community colleges and our Department of Education.   All suits are over immigration enforcement in which our state is enforcing the law and the feds have chosen not to.

If you don't think the federal government when controlled by progressives and in this case a radical progressive can be dangerous then you have not read your history.   The two times in the 20th century when our Federal government imprisoned people for their nationality of origin were both done by Progressive Presidents.   They interned Germans in WWI and JapaneseGermans and Italians in WWII.   We know we can not count on the media to be a balanced watch dog of progressive government as they are so entirely entwined with progressive beliefs and politicians they would hold open the oven doors to get rid of the opposition.   The hateful race baiting class dividing things I have heard from Ed Schultz, Chris Mathews and Keith Olberman make my stomach turn.  You can listen to them any night for unending examples. And they are looking for a way to silence the opposition now and if the claims of racism don't work, and division of the classes doesn't work they still have intimidation of the long arm of the Federal Government on their side.   As is evidenced by the slap down Arizona is receiving from the Obama administration and the DOJ, the bag of slimy tricks is almost bottomless for the Federal Government.    

And another note on 8/28:
And all the claims I have heard of unemployed white racist being the only attendees of the 8/28 Restoring Honor in DC really make me sick.  I had to go so I could see the truth as I knew it wouldn't be reported.  In my case they have the unemployed right but I would venture to say that most were not and would also venture that most were not racists based upon the applause and cheers for CL Jackson and Alveda King.  They have also attempted to minimize the magnitude of the crowd with the most ludicrous estimate coming from CBS at 87,000.   If that estimate of the crowd is accurate then Obama's inauguration had no more than 150,000 but the same media has estimated that as high as 3 million.  Here a blogger wrote a good summary of the event.     

Friday, September 3, 2010

Howard Dean: Democrats and European Socialist Working Together

It is becoming very apparent and no longer hidden that the unions and the democrats are openly working with the communist and the socialist to effect the change that Obama wants.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Has America Become by Ken Huber

What Has America Become by Ken Huber of Tawas City - Fort Worth Christianity & Culture |

Why not let the National Guard guard?

Lauri Roberts may actually be capable of being a reporter as I thought she was a liberal yet from this post I am not sure.  That is what a reporter should be, when reporting the facts you should not be able to tell their political leanings.